How to Prepare for Pancreatic Neuroendrocine Cancer Treatment

How to Prepare for Pancreatic Neuroendrocine Cancer Treatment

Pancreatic cancer doesn’t have to be a death sentence. That’s especially true if you have a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET), a rare type of the disease that’s vastly different from the more common form of pancreatic cancer, adenocarcinoma.

“Pancreatic cancers come in many forms, and there is a totally different approach to treating PNETs from adenocarcinomas,” says Richard Schulick, MD, the chair of surgery and director of the University of Colorado Cancer Center in Aurora.

The five-year survival rate for a PNET is a remarkable 95 percent if the tumor is localized (has not spread), according to the American Cancer Society. That’s because PNETs behave differently than adenocarcinomas, which are fast to grow and often metastatic (meaning they have spread to other organs in the body).

“What I tell patients with a PNET is that the great majority move very slowly. If they’re localized and there’s no evidence anywhere else [that they’ve spread], the great likelihood is that surgery will either cure (if caught in an early stage) the cancer or, if not, the patient will still live a long time. That’s a very different mindset from someone who has an adenocarcinoma,” says Dr. Schulick.


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